The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer
Forming Disciples of Jesus in every congregation
The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer exists to form disciples of Jesus in every congregation. It seeks to do this by equipping and resourcing local congregations for the tasks and joys of faith formation, teaching and learning, catechesis, and the life of prayer.
The Center, “housed” at the Cathedral with regional diocesan centers at St. Paul’s, Newburyport and St. Thomas, Taunton, and an online presence, does this through at least three fundamental avenues: 1) continued theological education for priests and deacons; 2) theological training and spiritual formation for lay leaders, including for lay-licensing programs; and 3) coming alongside the lay and ordained, as they discern a deeper and more attentive life of prayer and discipleship.
Our diocese is rich with resources for forming disciples – excellent Christian educators, creative program designers, wise mentors, monastic communities, seminary programs, and much more. TSPC seeks to lift up what is already in our midst so that it can be found and accessed by all our faith communities. We recognize that theological and spiritual formation happens every day at the local level, which is why the aim of the Center is not just to offer one-off events or educational opportunities, but to resource parishes and congregations, helping them flourish as local communities of learning and prayer.