Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is full initiation into the Body of Christ. All baptized Christians share in the work of Christ in the world, and so baptism is not just a special moment in time but a commitment to a way of life and the community of the Church universal.

Baptism is a sacrament – an outward sign of something God is doing which is beyond our ability to see. In the Episcopal Church, it is our joy to baptize infants, children, and adults. Generally, baptisms are held on major feast days of the church year, including Easter, Pentecost (late spring), All Saints Day (early November), and the Baptism of our Lord (in January).  

At the cathedral, parents of infants and children meet with a priest or lay catechist several times before the baptism to prepare not just for the event itself but for the journey ahead as a family. Because parents make the promises of baptism on behalf of their child, the preparation will involve examining their own faith and practices, considering how they will support their child in his or her life in Christ, and learning how the resources of the church can help them in this work. When possible, the godparents of the child to be baptized participate in at least one session of preparation.

Adults considering baptism are encouraged to meet with one of our priests a few times to learn more about the meaning of the rite and reflect on their spiritual journey. If a person then decides to prepare for baptism, a plan for preparation will be set out, which will include the selection of a sponsor within the cathedral congregation – a member of the church who can serve as a companion on the journey ahead and share some of their own experience as Christians. 

We do not charge fees for baptisms, but it is customary to make an offering of $200-350 to the discretionary fund of the clergy person working with you to prepare, in honor of their time and pastoral support.

If you would like to learn more about baptism at the cathedral, please contact the dean or cathedral administrator.