Weddings at the Cathedral

It is our joy to host several weddings each year at the cathedral. Below is information about how to work with the cathedral pastoral staff to prepare for marriage and plan a service here.  

The cathedral sanctuary is also available to be used as a venue for weddings by couples who have made arrangements to be married by someone not on the cathedral staff. In either case, we encourage you to plan ahead and be in touch early to check on availability. You can find our wedding rental request form here

Same-sex couples and interfaith couples are joyfully welcomed to be married at the cathedral. For a tour of the space, please contact our Operations Manager. Details about costs for weddings can be found below. You can also find further information about rentals at the cathedral here

The wedding of Maia and Josiah (Photography by Brenna Skattebo Photo)

Preparing for marriage:

At the cathedral we understand marriage to be a life-long commitment between two consenting adults, made before God and the community. The Episcopal Church understands marriage as a sacramental rite that establishes a particular pathway into the future. On this pathway, those who marry grow into their capacity to love as Christ loves, offer one another comfort in times of need, and find mutual joy.

Deciding to be married at the cathedral means that you are inviting God to be present in your relationship and you intend to find strength and hope through participation in the life of the community. If you would like to be married at the cathedral, but are not yet a member, please be in touch with us so that we may help you to begin that process. If you are members of another church or are unsure about your spiritual path, an initial conversation with one of our priests will help you sort out possibilities and make a decision that has integrity for you.

The canons of the Episcopal Church require that at least one of the two persons being married is a baptized Christian (in any denomination/tradition). Also, the couple is required to meet with the clergy person who will preside at the marriage four or five times before the ceremony for pre-marital preparation, so that when they make their vows, they have a deeper understanding of the commitment they are making and stronger resources for living into their vows.

If you would like to discuss marriage at the cathedral, please contact one of our ordained staff members or the Operations Manager. You can find further details, and a list of fees for hosting your wedding at the cathedral, below. 

Photography by Brenna Skattebo Photo

Weddings and Marriage Preparation at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul

Procedures and Fees

Marriage at the cathedral, including preparation with a priest on the cathedral staff

Preparation sessions (generally 5 sessions, in person or on Zoom), plus Presiding at the marriage by priest on cathedral staff - $750

Organist - Consultation and wedding service - $350

Organist - any additional rehearsal with soloists - $100

Use of sanctuary and Upper Sproat Hall or Lawrence Room (for dressing/prep) for the wedding service and rehearsal the night before - $2,000

Use of sanctuary or Sproat Hall for reception following the wedding service - fee to be set in conversation with Events Manager

Renting the cathedral for a wedding venue 

Organist - Consultation and wedding service -$350

Organist - any additional rehearsal with soloists - $100

Use of sanctuary and Upper Sproat Hall or Lawrence Room (for dressing/prep) for the wedding service and rehearsal the night before - $2,500

Use of sanctuary or Sproat Hall for reception following the wedding service - fee to be set in conversation with Events Manager

  • Fees do not depend on the size of your wedding or length of your ceremony.

  • We do not schedule weddings during the season of Lent or Holy Week.

  • A deposit of half the wedding fee must be received and confirmed by the cathedral office before any announcement of the wedding venue is made public.

Photography by Brenna Skattebo Photo

If you would like to discuss your upcoming marriage to be here at the cathedral,
email us at the cathedral.