Welcome to the Cathedral!
You are welcome here.
Our doors are open to all.
We find the face of Christ in everyone.
We offer liturgy and music
in the Anglican tradition,
past and present,
with scheduled worship and
quiet sanctuary available nearly every day.
Our worship, study, and fellowship send us out to do justice and work for peace together.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
The Very Rev. Amy McCreath
The Cathedral Church of St. Paul

Who We Are
The Cathedral is a ‘House of Prayer for All People’, amplifying the mission of the Diocese through its three congregations (Sunday, MANNA, and The Crossing), its justice ministry, its Ministry of the Steps, and its partnership with the diocese coordinating The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer. It is the home of the diocesan Chinese congregation and the place where Muslims who work or study downtown come for Jum’ah prayers on Fridays.
In 1920, Bishop William Lawrence chose St. Paul’s to be the cathedral for the diocese because of its location at the crossroads of the capital city, facing the State House. He commissioned it to be a place where “the lost and lonely people know they have a home” and a place where people from all over the diocese would have an experience that sent them home braver for the gospel. The Right Reverend Barbara Harris, the first woman bishop in the Anglican Communion, was elected bishop here, and for years St. Paul’s served as the base for her prophetic ministry. The first public healing services for people with AIDS were also held here.