Maude Royden - 100th Anniversary of the first woman to preach at The Cathdral Church of St. Paul

A century ago, in 1923, Maude Royden came to The Cathedral Church of St. Paul to preach a sermon, the first woman to erver do so at St. Paul’s. And so it is with that historic event that we offered a Lenten preaching series and featured five woman preachers. Scroll down to view the image gallery of the newspaper clippings found in the cathedral’s scrapbook related to Ms. Royden’s vist to the Cathedral.

A Woman's Testimony: 2023 Cathedral Lenten Preaching Series

Jesus's encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well is one of the most beloved and rich stories of the Lenten season. It is also the longest conversation Jesus has in the gospels. During Lent 2023, which marked the 100th anniversary of​‌ the first sermon by a woman at the cathedral, we invited five female-identifying preachers to open up the story of Samaritan woman's encounter with Jesus in John 4.


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