Dr. Rowan Williams - The Learning Church: Theology and Christian Maturity - November 4th, 10am
Dr. Rowan Williams - November 4th, 10am
The learning church: theology and christian maturity
Dr. Rowan Williams
Thanks to all who joined us, online or in-person, for this event. Dr. Williams’ wonderful talk, and the following Q&A session, are now available to watch online. Click below to view:
We are thrilled to be hosting Dr. Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury and one of the world’s most prominent theologians, for an event which promises to enrich our lives and church communities. Dr. Williams will be speaking on ‘The Learning Church: Theology and Christian Maturity.’
Dr. Williams’ presentation and subsequent Q&A/discussion will be online and open to all from 10:00am to 12:00pm ET. We will also be hosting an in-person event at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston from 9:30am to 2:30pm, as an opportunity to gather for worship, fellowship, and learning. Dr. Williams will join us virtually from his home in Wales.
The full day at the Cathedral will be a time to grow in community, learn with Dr. Williams and one another, and be resourced for the task of forming disciples in our congregations. After Dr. Williams’ presentation, we will have a Eucharist and lunch together, and an afternoon workshop on ‘Becoming the Learning Church Locally.’ During this time, we will have the opportunity to develop avenues faithfully to live together in our parishes and congregations, as people who seek to know and love God and our neighbors through maturity and discipleship.
The structure of the in-person event will be as follows:
9.30am those attending in-person arrive and register
10am Dr. Williams’ presentation
10.45am break
11am discussion/Q&A session with Dr. Williams
12noon online presentation ends; day continues, for those attending in person, with Holy Eucharist
12.45 a light lunch will be offered
1.30pm afternoon workshop: ‘Taking this home to your congregation’
2.30pm end
Registration for this event is now closed. We are looking forward to gathering, in-person and online, with all who have signed up to join us; you should have received an email with the link for online attendance, or with details for in-person attendance. If you have any questions, please email us. If you’d like to be kept informed of future events with The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer, please sign up to receive our newsletter.