Learning Communities


We all know that clergy people, be they full or part time, have many demands on the hours in their days. Life can be hectic, with so much to do, and clergy may sometimes feel unsupported, or alone. The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer aims to counter that feeling, by giving the hardworking clergy of the Diocese of Massachusetts opportunities to gather; to share ideas or concerns; to support one another.  

We have created three Learning Communities: one for the Northern and Western Region of the Diocese, one Central Region, and one in the Southern Region. These Communities will gather via zoom every six weeks or so, focusing on a particular topic each session. The sessions will be hosted by the Communities' co-leaders, but the format will be discursive and open, rather than being led by one person. It is our hope that priests and deacons will be nurtured by this time to share resources, discuss problems, and explore aspects of faith and formation. 

There will also be two in-person gatherings each year - the first of which will happen this June or July, to allow the groups to meet and mingle! Clergy will shortly receive an email invitation to their regional group; please look out for that, coming soon! Meanwhile do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions; you can contact us at tspc@diomass.org

Northern and Western Region Learning Community - co-hosted by the Rev. Dr. Jarred Mercer and the Rev. Jacqueline Clark

Central Region Learning Community - co-hosted by the Very Rev. Amy McCreath and the Rev. Greg Johnston

Southern Region Learning Community - co-hosted by the Rev. Joseph Mumita and the Rev. Dr. Maggie Arnold


Learning to Pray


Why go to Church?