We live in an age of widespread violence – physical, verbal, and spiritual. How are people of faith called to respond to, resist, and reverse the scourge of violence in our times? What does Christ call us to do and be, individually and together as the church?
Our Lenten Preaching Series continues this Thursday with the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates. We cannot gather as a community in the sanctuary, we can gather online. Join us by ZOOM. https://zoom.us/j/166402770
Meeting ID: 166 402 770
Here is a link to the bulletin for the prayer service within which the sermon will be offered. If you have it open on your computer, or print it ahead of time, you can pray along with us.
Our preacher this week is:
March 26 - The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates,
Diocesan Bishop,
Diocese of Massachusetts