Scroll down for events and livestreams

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info at The Crossing website.
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary. The service of Holy Eucharist will also be livestreamed, and is viewable on the Calendar page of our website, or on our YouTube livestream page.

Lenten Preaching Series
Join us on four Wednesdays at 12:15 pm to hear sermons on the theme "From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh," and, if you're able, stay for a light lunch and conversation with the preacher following. No advanced sign up needed.
April 2: Matthew Bell, member of Grace Church, Medford and Editor for "The World," on WGBH.
You can also watch on livestream, here.

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info at The Crossing website.
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Sung Compline
Each first Friday of the month, at 7 pm, The Cathedral will offer Sung Compline, the final service of the Daily Office. The service gives thanks for the day that is ending and looks forward with hope to the coming of the new day. A brief meditation will be offered, and musical offerings from various parishes in the diocese will be featured. Participants can sing along using the musical setting which will be screen shared as the gathering begins.
You can find the link to attend on the Calendar page of our website - scroll down to Friday.

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary. The service of Holy Eucharist will also be livestreamed, and is viewable on the Calendar page of our website, or on our YouTube livestream page.

Lenten Preaching Series
Join us on four Wednesdays at 12:15 pm to hear sermons on the theme "From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh," and, if you're able, stay for a light lunch and conversation with the preacher following. No advanced sign up needed.
April 9: Elder Mark V. Scott, Associate Pastor, Azusa Christian Community and Board Chair of the Board of the MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
You can also watch on livestream, here.

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info at The Crossing website.
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Sunday Worship - Palm Sunday
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary. This Sunday is Palm Sunday; our service will include the Liturgy of Palms with procession to the Embrace Memorial. Please join us in the sanctuary, and on livestream viewable from the Calendar page of our website, or on our Youtube page.

Service of Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Chrism
A gathering for the clergy of the diocese and ELCA New England Synod.
A livestream of this event will also be available on our YouTube page.

Stations of the Cross
Holy Wednesday Stations of the Cross service, with Holy Eucharist.
In-person only.

Maundy Thursday
Join us this Maundy Thursday. Our service will include an Agape meal, foot washing, stripping of altar, and Night Watch, all starting at 6 pm.
In person only. All are welcome!

Good Friday Solemn Liturgy of the Day
Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday with Veneration of the Cross. The Very Rev. Amy McCreath, preaching and presiding.
In person only.

Holy Saturday Service of Uncertainty
Please join us on Holy Saturday for a Pilgrimage of Uncertainty. Coffee and hot cross buns following. Cathedral sanctuary will be open from 9 am to 2 pm, and an audiocast will be available for those who want to experience the pilgrimage on their own.
In person only.

The Great Vigil of Easter
Hosted by The Crossing congregation, 7 pm. The Rev. Liz Steinhauser and the Very Rev. Amy McCreath, co-presiding.
Please join us for an all-out, all-inclusive celebration of the Resurrection, with Storytelling, Baptism, Eucharist, and lots of music! In person, and live-streamed on our YouTube page.
All are welcome!

Easter Sunday Festive Mass
Please join us for a Festive Mass of the Resurrection. The Rt. Rev. Julia Whitworth will be preaching and presiding. Service includes blessing of Boston Marathon runners. Easter egg hunt and reception following.
All are welcome! In person, and livestreamed on our YouTube page.

Taize with The Crossing
Please join The Crossing for Taize services once a month, on the third Monday of each month (except on holidays), in the Sanctuary.
We thank Anthony and Aurora for such a beautiful offering for rest, peace, silence, and music. Please enter the church through the side door and ring the door bell to get to the stairwell/elevator. Arrive a few minutes early to settle in and prepare your hearts for contemplative prayer. All are welcome!

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info at The Crossing website.
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary. The service of Holy Eucharist will also be livestreamed, and is viewable on the Calendar page of our website, or on our YouTube livestream page.

Lenten Preaching Series
Join us on four Wednesdays at 12:15 pm to hear sermons on the theme "From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh," and, if you're able, stay for a light lunch and conversation with the preacher following. No advanced sign up needed.
March 26: The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Kittredge, scripture scholar, poet, and dean emerita of the Seminary of the Southwest.
You can also watch on livestream, here.

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info at The Crossing’s website.
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Lenten Preaching Series
Join us on four Wednesdays at 12:15 pm to hear sermons on the theme "From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of Flesh," and, if you're able, stay for a light lunch and conversation with the preacher following. No advanced sign up needed.
March 19: Dean Amy McCreath, with the Cathedral History Committee, and a blessing of a new exhibit on the history of the Cathedral

Taize with The Crossing
Please join The Crossing for Taize services once a month, on the third Monday of each month (except on holidays), in the Sanctuary.
We thank Anthony and Aurora for such a beautiful offering for rest, peace, silence, and music. Please enter the church through the side door and ring the door bell to get to the stairwell/elevator. Arrive a few minutes early to settle in and prepare your hearts for contemplative prayer. All are welcome!

Nightingale Vocal Ensemble concert
Voices of Water - a concert with the Nightingal Vocal Ensemble
Please join us for an evening of beautiful music. All details and tickets available here:

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Sung Compline
Each first Friday of the month, at 7 pm, The Cathedral will offer Sung Compline, the final service of the Daily Office. The service gives thanks for the day that is ending and looks forward with hope to the coming of the new day. A brief meditation will be offered, and musical offerings from various parishes in the diocese will be featured. Participants can sing along using the musical setting which will be screen shared as the gathering begins.
You can find the link to attend, by going to this page of our website, and scrolling down to Friday.

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Ash Wednesday Mass
Please join us for Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes, hymns and anthems. The Rt. Rev. Julia E. Whitworth, Bishop of the Diocese of MA, presider and preacher.
All are welcome!

Ash Wednesday Mass
Please join us for Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes. The Very Rev. Amy McCreath, Dean of the Cathedral, presider and homilist.
All are welcome!

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary.
This Sunday we observe the Feast of the Epiphany. Please join us for Eucharist, followed by a festive coffee hour with games and a book exchange. (Bring a book if you’d like.)
All are welcome!

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Taize with the Crossing
Please join The Crossing for Taize services once a month, on the third Monday of each month (except on holidays), in the Sanctuary.
We thank Anthony and Aurora for such a beautiful offering for rest, peace, silence, and music. Please enter the church through the side door and ring the door bell to get to the stairwell/elevator. Arrive a few minutes early to settle in and prepare your hearts for contemplative prayer. All are welcome!

Inauguration Vigil: Love casts out Fear
At this prayer service we will hold a sacred space that leans into our Christian faith, which tells us that love casts out fear, that we stand with the marginalized, and that love in practice looks like justice and peace.
Join Bishop Julia Whitworth and other diocesan and EPF leaders, in-person at the cathedral, or via livestream on the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Boston) YouTube page.
Childcare will be available on site, if registration is received by January 14.
Please register here so we can plan well.

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary.
This Sunday we observe the Feast of the Epiphany. Please join us for Eucharist, followed by a festive coffee hour with games and a book exchange. (Bring a book if you’d like.)
All are welcome!

Join The Crossing For Worship
Join us for worship at 7 pm!
Radical welcome for all, especially those who have been hurt or marginalized in other faith communities, and those seeking a safer queer worshiping space. Scripture, song, a reflection by a community member, open space, and mutual blessings! All are welcome here.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary.
This Sunday we observe the Feast of the Epiphany. Please join us for Eucharist, followed by a festive coffee hour with games and a book exchange. (Bring a book if you’d like.)
All are welcome!

Creatio ex amore and the Mission of the Church Now
The St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer announces an upcoming special event:
Creatio ex Amore and the Mission of the Church Now - An online seminar with Bishop Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Moderator of the World Council of Churches.
In this time of climate crisis, what difference does our faith make? How does our understanding of God, and the meaning of God's creating work, ground and equip us to pray, serve, and act in this time? This seminar will deepen our capacity to preach and teach our claim that "God creates out of love," and enliven us for working with our faith communities for God's purposes.
Registrants may choose to explore advance readings, given at the link below. They will also be invited to a follow-up conversation (on Saturday 25th January, 9-11am ET) hosted by the Rev. Dr. Kapya Kaoma, Rector of Christ Church, Waltham, author and theologian, expanding our grounding in this topic with wisdom from African Christian theology of creation.
This is an online only event, which will be hosted on Zoom. Full details, and the link to register to attend, can be found here.

Join The Crossing: Annual Meeting
Join us for at 7 pm! This week is our Annual Meeting. Join the Crossing to learn about our joys and accomplishments of 2024 and be part of dreaming and planning how to meet our Gospel goals for 2025.
More info here:
Join in person, or by ZOOM at this zoom link:
and if prompted use this passcode 4SfKTy

Eucharist and Prayers for Peace
As our hearts are heavy with the awareness of war in so many places taking such a toll on people, places, and the earth, we have added to our weekly schedule a mid-week eucharist with prayers for peace. Please join us, 12:15 to 12:55 pm, in the chapel.

Sunday Worship
Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am in the sanctuary.
This Sunday we observe the Feast of the Epiphany. Please join us for Eucharist, followed by a festive coffee hour with games and a book exchange. (Bring a book if you’d like.)
All are welcome!