Eliot Eliot

Christmas Covers

One of the resources to which we have access is an assortment of scrapbooks. The scrapbooks include leaflets from Lent, Easter and Christmas services.

Originally published on December 24, 2020.

One of the resources to which we have access is an assortment of scrapbooks. There are a lots of newspaper clippings and other ephemera saved in these scrapbooks, more than we could ever read and properly document for later use. The scrapbooks also have leaflets from Lent, Easter and Christmas services. Some handsomely decorated, and others with a simple border and image.

Click here to view more of these Christmas service leaflets and other photos from the history of St Paul's Church in Boston.

Merry Christmas from all of us on the 200th Anniversary Committee and blessings to you and yours!

Photos saved on Flickr.com.

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